Company Profile

ICET Inc (AKA: Innovative Chemical Technologies~Innovative Chemical and Environmental Technolog)
Profile last edited on: 8/15/2024      CAGE: 0UDU2      UEI: JF7VN7UHFLM5

Business Identifier: Antimicrobial catheter & antimicrobial medical device products based on unique, silver accentuating chemistry.
Year Founded
First Award
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Location Information

916 Pleasant Street Unit 12
Norwood, MA 02062
   (781) 769-6064
Location: Single
Congr. District: 08
County: Norfolk

Public Profile

A woman-owned business, recipient of several SBIR and Contracts from various government agencies (NIH, DoD Army, DOE, EPA, NSF) and from private companies - ICET, Inc. is an R&D company developing technologies in the areas of energy, environment, and biomedicine. Previously dba Innovative Chemical Technologies and as Innovative Chemical/Environmental Technologies, management are aggressively developing new ideas, concepts and technologies in areas of biomedicine, energy, and environment. Major strengths include: Chemistry Organic-Inorganic Hybrid Compositions Novel Membranes Nanostructures Electrochemistry Catalysis Surface Modification of Polymers Nanomaterial ICET, Inc. is a r ICET Inc is . Company has been recognized for employing women scientists with family obligations through a flexible employment program. ICET has employed over 10 women employees as part-time technicians or consultants. Employees allowed flex-time and days. ICET bringinh to market antimicrobial catheter and antimicrobial medical device products based on a unique, silver accentuating chemistry that will significantly reduce hospital acquired urinary tract infections and the related burden on healthcare costs. Firs has also advanced technology and supply capabilities for protective type clothing, gloves and custom items. ICET has secured US FDA’s IDE approval for its Total Infection Control (TIC) Foley catheter system, and has successfully conducted human clinical trial at University of Minnesota, against a major market place competitor. Objectives Include: Contract and collaborative R&D practices Commercialization of products through licensing/partnership. Established major manufacturing partnerships for supply of advanced products in pilot and larger quantities for medical, consumer and textile areas. E stablish licensing, vendor type or partnership arrangements with entities to commercialize our technologies or products.

Extent of SBIR involvement

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Synopsis: Awardee Business Condition

Employee Range
Revenue Range
Less than .5M
VC funded?
Privately Held
Stock Info
IP Holdings

Awards Distribution by Agency

Most Recent SBIR Projects

Year Phase Agency Total Amount
2020 2 NIH $674,710
Project Title: UTI Reduction in Neurogenic Bladder
2020 1 NIH $99,993
Project Title: A Topical Nasal Gel as an Invisible Shield Against Viral and Bacterial Pathogens
2013 1 NIH $149,753
Project Title: An In Situ Opioid Drug Deactivation Kit For Home Use
2013 1 NIH $141,561
Project Title: Kidney Stone Inhibitors
2013 1 CBD $99,963
Project Title: Self-Healing Shape Memory Polymer Coatings for Chemical/Biological Protective Clothing

Key People / Management

  Shantha S Sarangapani -- President

  Michael McCarthy -- Vice President, Commercial Business Development

  Sarang Sarangapani -- Executive VP

Company News

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