Company Profile

Profile last edited on: 5/31/22      CAGE: 7Y794      UEI: Z3BBX7KX4WU5

Business Identifier: Superconducting microelectronics
Year Founded
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Location Information

175 Clearbrook Road
Elmsford, NY 10523
   (914) 592-1190
Location: Single
Congr. District: 17
County: Westchester

Public Profile

Developing / commercializing digital superconductor technology for integration into everyday system HYPRES, Inc., is a superconducting electronics company offering design, development, fabrication, testing, and packaging in a commercial production environment. Launched by a group of former IBM employees who worked on Big Blue's supercomputing initiative in the mid-1980s, the people at Hypres initially focused their products on the test and measurement market, selling components to makers of MRIs and oscilloscopes - later shifting gears intead ro develop technology components for the wireless communications market. Engaged in design, development, fabrication, testing, and packaging of superconducting microelectronics, Hypres offers primary voltage standard chip arrays, primary voltage standard systems with closed-cycle refrigerator, and primary voltage standard systems (liquid helium). Also provided are digital-RF receivers, multi-channel programmable current sources, digital amplifier modules, wide band amplifiers, and shield degaussers. The Hypres's facility also has a superconducting integrated circuit fabrication line and includes thin film and photolithography processing and support functions covering CAD, device testing, and cryogenics development. The companyfurther develops digital superconductor technology, software, and market-ready IP for applications, including mobile broadband, medical imaging, and computing. It serves metrology and other laboratories worldwide.

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Awards Distribution by Agency

Key People / Management

  Richard E (Dick) Hitt Jr -- President and CEO

  Timothy Anglim -- CFO

  Valery Borzenets

  Hollis L Caswell

  John F Cunniff

  Vladimir Dotsenko

  Sadeg M Faris

  Deepnarayan Gupta -- Executive Vice President, RF Circuits and Systems

  Amol Inamdar

  Amir Jafari Salim

  Alan M Kadin

  Steven B Kaplan

  Alex F Kirichenko

  Dimitri Kirichenko

  Edward Kulinski

  Erik Lehmann -- Manager DSP, and Embedded Systems

  Wenquan Li

  Oleg Mukhanov -- Chief Technology Officer, Senior Executive Vice President

  David Osterman

  Michael S Pambianchi

  James M Potter

  Georgy Prokopenko

  Masoud Radparvar -- Vice President, Engineering

  Raphael Robertazzi

  Jack Rosa -- Former President

  Sergey Rylov

  Saad Sarwana

  Pavel Shevchenko -- Senior Software Developer

  Edwin E Stebbins

  John Terry

  Sergey Tolpygo

  Igor Vernik

  Robert Webber

  Stephen Whiteley

  Daniel Yohannes

  Fei Yuh