With facilities in China and the US and doing business all over the world, Hydroinnova LLC offers specialized equipment and services for environmental observations. The firm's principls were previously involved in development of Cosmic Ray Probe, a technology which uses cosmic-ray neutrons to measure soil moisture content and snow pack thickness over an area of tens of hectares passively, non-invasively and economically. These measurements provide hydrologists and atmospheric scientists with an entirely new perspective on water near the interface between the ground and the atmosphere, as well as giving water managers, engineers and agriculturalists an invaluable but economical new tool to monitor a critical part of the hydrologic cycle. Staff have broad scientific expertise in hydrology, geophysics, complemented by advanced technical capabilities in electronic design and precision machining. The firm's flagship product is a non-invasive field-scale soil moisture monitoring system that has a footprint of 40 hectares. Users include academic researchers with highly focused projects to government agencies installing continental-scale observational networks. The firm has significant expertise Custom data acquisition systems; Satellite and cellular telemetry systems; Short-range radio telemetry systems; Precision machining and fabrication.; Electronics prototyping and testing; Neutron flux modeling and Vadose zone modeling