Hx Innovations, Inc., functions as a neuroergonomics and biomechanics testing/technology company using the firm's capabilities to enable footwear companies to develop and employ footwear performance standards for comfort and endurance. Describing themselves as an ergonomics & human factors company, the effort is to enable clients to optimize performance, increase productivity, prevent injury, and enhance consumer products. The firm's on-staff scientists use validated methods and machine learning technology to assess neuromuscular performance, evaluate fatigue, calculate injury risk, and certify the ergonomic safety and performance of footwear and footwear devices for specific movement patterns such as running, walking, standing or other prolonged activity. With a focus on lower extremities, the approach was created by neuro-biomechanist Dr. Von M. Homer, as a way to distinguish the limitations of the human body in various conditions to improve productivity. The firm is designing custom orthotics,