Specializing in naval engineering and architecture, Hepburn and Sons LLC, provides engineering support services, consulting and technical advisory services, technology transition, technology transition, and expert witness services. Founder and president is a retired Navy Captain, a licensed Professional Engineer (PE) in several states. His served as Supervisor of Shipbuilding in Bath, Maine and as the Chief Naval Architect for combatant ships (NAVSEA 05D), and a recognized expert on dry dock construction and operations, and ship repairs. The firm counts many veterans and former DoD civilian employees among their personnel - bringing experience in ship construction, repairs, design, integration, engineering, research and development. Technical expertise includes mechanical, electrical, nuclear, systems, information technology and cybersecurity, missile defense, material science, naval architecture, and naval engineering. Strengths include program management, electromagnetic pulse (EMP), warfare and combat systems, to customers including the Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA), the Surface Combat Systems Center (SCSC) Wallops Island, the Office of Naval Research (ONR), and the Electric Ships Program Office (PMS 320), and Fortune 500 firms