Company Profile

HealthMyne Inc
Profile last edited on: 3/16/21      CAGE: 707S4      UEI: K8KWEMC8KN77

Business Identifier: Real-time evidence-based imaging insights and solutions
Year Founded
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Location Information

918 Deming Way 3rd Floor
Madison, WI 53717
   (608) 239-6871
Location: Single
Congr. District: 02
County: Dane

Public Profile

HealthMyne, Inc. is focused on delivering Quantitative Imaging Decision Support (QIDS™) for Radiology and Oncology with expansion to other clinical specialties and non-US markets over time. The company’s FDA-cleared software platform delivers image quantification, analytics and clinical information (EMR, RT, other data) into the primary workflow to drive clinical productivity; provides curated medical content, analysis and reporting to optimize clinical collaboration and enable precise patient management; and supports data mining for clinical, translational and commercial research. As a healthcare informatics company, providing novel search, analytics, and imaging solutions to healthcare enterprises. The company has developed a search engine and data analytics product that combines electronic health records and medical images, like X-rays and CT scans, allowing doctors rapidly to search the entirety of a healthcare system’s medical imaging archives. HealthMyne's technology provides physicians with tumor image manipulation, and EHR and image repository search capabilities for diagnosing and treating similar cases. The firm's SAI technology enables the capability to perform rapid, efficient searches of an enterprise’s image repositories with advanced visualization of the r

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Key People / Management

  Praveen Sinha -- CEO and Co-founder

  Roger Chylla -- Founder

  Roger A Chylla -- CTO and Co-founder

  Mark Gehring -- Founder

  Thomas "Rock" Mackie -- Co-founder and Chairman

  Linda Peitzman

  Hao Wang -- Founder and Chief Privacy Officer