Company Profile

Hazel Technologies LLC (AKA: Hazel Tech~Hazel Technologies, Inc)
Profile last edited on: 8/6/2020      CAGE: 7GB50      UEI: CFVJHBJENTJ1

Business Identifier: Reducing waste in agricultural supply chain
Year Founded
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Location Information

3440 South Dearborn Street Unit 112S
Chicago, IL 60616
   (559) 321-2146
Location: Multiple
Congr. District: 01
County: Cook

Public Profile

Based in Chicago but with facilites also in CA, Hazel Technologies is organized around developing solutions to mitigate the produce harvested waste an thus to improve the efficiency of the fresh produce supply chain. Over 30% of produce harvested in the US is never consumed meaning that the resources of labor, water, money, and energy put into cultivating this produce is also wasted. Hazel Technologies is develop new solutions to reduce this waste, to improve the efficiency of fresh produce supply chain. The Company's products are FruitBrite and BerryBrite. FruitBrite is a carton insert that extends the shelf life of ethylene sensitive produce, especially tropical produce varieties and commercial melon cultivars and BerryBrite is a berry flat insert that uses a blend of essential oils to increase the shelf life of berries in cold storage.

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Key People / Management

  Aidan R Mouat -- CEO and co-founder

  Patrick Flynn -- CMO, Co-Founder

  Amy Garber -- Chief Intellectual Property Officer

  Yuvaraj Kundasi -- Founder and Cpo

  Adam T Preslar -- Co-Founder and Chief Technologies Officer

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