With a focusson patients diagnosed with hemophilia A, Haplomics, Inc. is an early stage biotech company focused on improving patient outcomes by better understanding and modulating the immune response to therapy with biologics, cells or organ transplant. Hemophilia A (HA) is a genetic condition that results in the lack of normal activity of a protein called factor VIII (FVIII), which is needed to control bleeding. Administering replacement FVIII to HA patients is the most effective therapy for hemophilia A. Unfortunately, many people with hemophilia A, even those with access to adequate health care, are not able to benefit from replacement factor VIII. In the US about 25% of patients with severe hemophilia A develop anti-FVIII antibodies after treatment with replacement FVIII. In contrast, 50% of hemophilia A patients of African heritage experience this very serious complication following treatment with replacement FVIII. The antibodies made by these patients, often called "inhibitors", block the action of the very medicine hemophilia A patients need to control bleeding. The company develops technologies designed to: (i) preempt the development of an anti - FVIII immune response in the context of hemophilia A. (ii) abate an established anti - FVIII immune response in the context of hemophilia A. (iii) cure hemophilia A through innovative non - viral approaches.