Company Profile

H-Cubed Inc (AKA: H-Cubed Corporation)
Profile last edited on: 6/3/2022      CAGE: 43F34      UEI: KL35SH8XHG94

Business Identifier: Microsystems for the medical community
Year Founded
First Award
Latest Award
Program Status
Popularity Index
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Location Information

26988 Valeside Lane
Olmstead Falls, OH 44138
   (440) 241-1413
Location: Single
Congr. District: 16
County: Cuyahoga

Public Profile

H-Cubed, Inc. works on develpment of high-value, high-impact, and high-tech microsystems and MEMS products for the medical community. Earlier in its operations, the firm's personnel were working with Cleveland Clinic researchers to develop several medical microsystems technologies, including two catheter-based devices that would take tiny images within veins and arteries, and inject therapeutic drugs there to destroy undesirable plaques. There is also indication of working relationship on thecreation of a bioartiificial kidney with UCSF but no in-depth data re. outcomes

Extent of SBIR involvement

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Synopsis: Awardee Business Condition

Employee Range
Revenue Range
Less than .5M
VC funded?
Privately Held
Stock Info
IP Holdings

Awards Distribution by Agency

Most Recent SBIR Projects

Year Phase Agency Total Amount
2023 1 NIH $260,384
Project Title: Minimally Invasive On Demand Electrical Nerve Block (OD-ENB) Device for Peripheral Pain
2020 2 NIH $974,579
Project Title: Telemetric Microsensor for Glaucoma
2017 1 NIH $224,912
Project Title: High-Resolution Ultrasonic Micro-Transducer for in Utero Procedures
2016 1 NIH $224,634
Project Title: Device for Treatment of Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia
2011 2 NIH $1,326,417
Project Title: Ambulatory System for Hydrocephalus Shunt Monitoring

Key People / Management

  Bijay Dhuler -- President

  Kenneth G Goldman -- VP & CTO

  Paul Howey

  Shuvo Roy

  Tina Louise Vrabec

Company News

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