Company Profile

Ground Energy Support LLC
Profile last edited on: 5/26/2020      CAGE: 7S8P0      UEI: R4A5S2DBC474

Business Identifier: High quality data and objective analyses: support ongoing development of ground source heat pump technology.
Year Founded
First Award
Latest Award
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Location Information

9 Madbury Road Suite 402
Durham, NH 03824
Location: Single
Congr. District: 01
County: Strafford

Public Profile

Geothermal heat pump systems collect and use renewable solar energy stored in the subsurface to heat and cool buildings. Ground Energy Support (GES) is structured to provide unbiased, high quality data and objective analyses to support the development of ground source heat pump technology. The firm offers a system that monitors the basic operations of geothermal heating and cooling system, and displays this information online at the GES website: GxTracker Monitoring Systems. These systems provide geothermal professionals and homeowners with real-time information about the performance of their geothermal heating and cooling system. GES software gives users a look at the current and past performance of their geothermal heating/cooling system. Monitor Geoexchange: A summary of energy extracted from (heating) or rejected to (cooling) the ground.Data Graphs: Fluid temperatures, flow rates, BTUs produced and electricity usage.Savings: Cost and carbon savings relative to heating and cooling with other fuels such as electric resistance, fuel oil, natural gas and propane. Performance: Current operating conditions and summary performance metrics.

Extent of SBIR involvement

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Awards Distribution by Agency

Most Recent SBIR Projects

Year Phase Agency Total Amount
2017 1 DOE $150,000
Project Title: Advanced Analysis of Geothermal Heat Pump System Data

Key People / Management

  Ruth (Lohmann) Davis -- President

  Robert Sullivan -- President and CEO and overseeing DOE STTR award. Rob has over 20 years experien

  Michael Behrmann -- Vice President for Development

  Tom Clancy

  John Davis

  Matt Davis -- Co-Founder and CTO

  Max Miller

  Scott Righini

  Tim Roos

Company News

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