Company Profile

Greystone Pharmaceuticals Inc (AKA: Greystone Medical Group Inc~Dermagenics ~Dermagenics Inc)
Profile last edited on: 9/15/10      CAGE:       UEI:

Business Identifier: NO Business Identifier is currently available for this company.
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Location Information

3251 Poplar Avenue Suite 200
Memphis, TN 38111
Location: Single
Congr. District: 09
County: Shelby

Public Profile

With headquarters in Florida and research here in TN, Greystone Medical Group is a research and development company specializing in medical and health care products. Greystone's mission is to fully develop and bring to the worldwide market all viable commercial applications of our biomedical technologies. These products will improve people's quality of life, reduce overall medical costs for patients, and help relieve the burden currently shouldered by healthcare providers

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Key People / Management

  Gregory P Pilant -- Chief Executive Officer

  Steve Monroe -- Vice President of Technology and Business Development

  Bob Moore

  Robert Moore

Company News

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