GrammaTech Inc, -- spun off from research conducted at Cornell University -- is developing software-assurance tools and advanced cyber-security technologies for the Internet of Things. The firm analyzes both source code and binary code, which are applied using both static and dynamic analysis techniques. The firm also sells static analysis solutions to companies that have a zero-tolerance policy for defects and security vulnerabilities in their code. GrammTech's flagship product, CodeSonar, is able to dig deeper to find significant, overlooked flaws in code. The technology developed by the firm is used by software developers spanning a myriad of industries and global markets, including avionics, medical, industrial control, and other mission-critical applications. The firm has also developed the Cyber Marshal line of products that is able to automate data acquisition and analysis processes for forensic investigators that are otherwise tedious or impossible. These automation programs include: Live Marshal, which performs live investigations remotely with a user-configurable toolset; Mem Marshal, which accesses case-relevant evidence in volatile memory; Mobile Marshal, performs investigations of mobile devices; P2P Marshal, automatically analyzes peer-to-peer file sharing evidence and Router Marshal, which acquires evidence from routers.