Present status unknown (2023). Firm had been fairly SBIR-active through a second NIH Phase II issued in 2003 but to al intents dropped off SBIR map since then. Gonex Inc. had been involved in research, development and commercialization of hormonal based health care strategies for both the human and companion animal markets. Gonex was initially formed to develop compounds that can be administered as a single injection to pharmaceutically sterilize any animal, male or female, with the primary focus being the companion animal market, specifically cats and dogs. The potential reduction of the use of surgical techniques will revolutionize the practice of population control of animals. The treatment of hormone sensitive cancers in humans, such as prostate and breast cancers, could benefit from the same technologies. These cancers depend on testosterone or estrogen for survival in many cases. Work completed to date for the population control of animals provides the basis of safety information in support of the human cancer application. A single injection drug derived from Gonex technologies has the potential to replace the monthly or quarterly depot administration of other compounds.