In September 2016, Genomas Inc was acquired by Rennova Health with in-place senior management left in charge. Genomas® is a biomedical company bringing DNA-Guided medicine to clinical practice with products for personalized prescription of drugs used in the treatment of mental illness, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease (CVD). Designed to eliminate trial-and-error prescription with DNA-Guided medicine and enable physicians to treat with unprecedented precision, avoiding significant drug side effects, improving efficacy and enhancing patient compliance, core applications are drug treatments of mood and thought disorders in mental illness and of cardiometabolic risk in diabetes and CVD. The products are developed in partnership with three leading medical institutions: Hartford Hospital, The Institute of Living and Hospital of Central CT and with the University of Puerto Rico Medical Sciences. A PhyzioType System consists of 3 components: an array of inherited, stable DNA polymorphisms from various genes to establish a patientâs combinatorial genotype, bioclinical algorithms for predicting the patientâs drug response, and a portal for doctors to select the best drug for the patient. PhyzioType Systems can be employed prognostically before prescribing drugs or diagnostically to manage patients evidencing drug intolerance or resistance. Clinical genotyping is provided through the Genomas Laboratory of Personalized Health (LPH,, a high-complexity molecular diagnostic cen