Company Profile

General Technology System LLC (AKA: GTS LLC~Javelin LLC)
Profile last edited on: 2/20/2019      CAGE: 6EQD9      UEI: Z924FG9529K5

Business Identifier: Innovative solutions in environmental pollutants & renewable energy
Year Founded
First Award
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Location Information

138 Horace Street Unit 2
Boston, MA 02128
   (813) 468-9857
Location: Single
Congr. District: 07
County: Suffolk

Public Profile

General Technology Systems, LLC (GTS) is a start-up involving former Navy Seal personnel and Army Special Operations personnel with close ties to major researc universities. This perhaps makes GTS uniquely positioned to bring cutting-edge innovations to solve critical current and future challenges facing the US. GTSĀ’ capabilities include the research and development of new technologies in software, electrical, security, biological, and chemical engineering.

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Key People / Management

  Matthew Creedican -- President

  Sohan Mikkilineni -- Founder and CEO

  Luvena Ong

Company News

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