Company Profile

Gem Pharmaceuticals Inc (AKA: Gem Pharmaceuticals LLC)
Profile last edited on: 9/20/22      CAGE: 7C558      UEI: EQMLNE4EJ8M3

Business Identifier: Autoimmune chemotherapeutics designed to eliminate cardiotoxicity side effects: proprietary anthracycline derivatives
Year Founded
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Location Information

941 Lake Forest Circle
Birmingham, AL 35244
   (205) 982-0320
Location: Multiple
Congr. District: 06
County: Jefferson

Public Profile

Gem Pharmaceuticals is a clinical-stage biopharmaceutical company developing proprietary anthracycline derivatives specifically designed to eliminate the critical cardiotoxicity side effect of this powerful class of chemotherapeutics while maintaining their well-documented anti-cancer efficacy. Gem is working on transforming traditional broad-spectrum cytotoxic drugs into modern - and biochemically targeted - anti-cancer agents that hold the potential for higher dosing and correspondingly improved therapeutic utility. Gem's anthracycline-modification platform can also be used to generate safe and effective derivatives that could serve as long-term therapies for psoriasis, rheumatoid arthritis, and other T-cell mediated disorders. In November 2017, a primary asset of the firm (GPX-150) was sold to Monopar Therapeutics an emerging biopharmaceutical company focused on developing innovative drug candidates to improve clinical outcomes in cancer patients

Extent of SBIR involvement

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Awards Distribution by Agency

Most Recent SBIR Projects

Year Phase Agency Total Amount
2005 1 NIH $149,052
Project Title: Utility of a Novel Anthracycline Analog in Psoriasis
2004 1 NIH $195,590
Project Title: Cardiac Interactions of New Adriamycin Analogs and Taxol
2003 2 NIH $691,811
Project Title: Novel Doxorubicin Analogs: Cardiac and Cytotoxic Effects

Key People / Management

  Arthur Klausner -- Chief Executive Officer

  Gerald Walsh -- President; Chief Operating Officer

  Frederick J Dechow

  Jerome L Fritsche II -- Financial Advisor

  Richard D Olson -- Chief Science Officer

  Robert Vestal -- Consulting Chief Medical Director

  Denise G Wingett