Fuceltech Inc is structured around development an innovative low-cost, lightweight Energy Storage and Power Generation (ESPG) system for commercial aircraft. The firm is developing a monopolar wound, single fuel cell potentially as high as 10 kW rating and a novel stacking approach to deliver hundreds of kWs of power from a single small and lightweight stack. The intent is to use ethanol as a fuel and a reformer that delivers extremely low CO concentration in the re-formate to the fuel cell. Fuceltech is also addressing development of 2kW power single cells and demonstrate stacked cells of >5kW output power. The intent is that the team build and test a complete breadboard 5kWe system integrating a fuel cell stack and reformer and meeting stringent weight and power requirements of the REEACH program. Potential Impact: Electrified aviation propulsion systems have the potential to achieve ultra-high fuel-to-propulsive power conversion efficiencies compared with existing turbofan and turboprop systems.