Fractal Systems Inc (FSI) conducts research and development (R&D) on conductive polymers, nanomaterials and nanocomposites for electronic and electrochemical applications, including sensors and power sources for the Federal Government and Private Sector customers. FSI has active projects on shielding, gas sensors, DNA biosensors, radar absorbing materials, high surface area electrodes for electrochemical capacitors based on highly conducting polymers and nanocomposite materials. The firm also provides consulting in different areas revolving around electronic polymers and applications. This type of service includes on-site visits, experiments and industrial R&D contracts. Fractal Systems has developed a capacitor that can offer a longer lifetime, while providing high density power in a compact and affordable package. The capacitor consists of nitride electrodes, potassium hydroxide electrolytes, and polymer current collectors that last longer than other carbon/sulfuric acid capacitors.