Company Profile

FlexTraPower (AKA: Bonbouton)
Profile last edited on: 12/28/22      CAGE: 70H33      UEI: YPTNUNL83LW9

Business Identifier: NO Business Identifier is currently available for this company.
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Location Information

29-10 Thomson Avenue Floor 7 Suite 24
Queens, NY 11101
   (646) 705-4830
Location: Single
Congr. District: 12
County: Queens

Public Profile

FlexTraPower dba Bonbouton is a technology platform for preventative diabetic health care. Bonbouton has created a sensor technology that is embedded into wearable devices to improve health care seamlessly and intelligently. Proprietary graphene sensors passively monitor the skin’s physiological signals to predict injury, detect infection and monitor muscular activity.The firm's first product is a smart insole with a proprietary embedded graphene sensing system, passively monitors the skin’s physiological signals to detect early signs of foot ulcers. Early detection simplifies patient self-monitoring and reduces the frequency of doctor visits. Bonbouton is the Smart Clothings winner of Wearable Technology Innovation World Cup 2017, a 1776 Health Fellow (2017) and a Next Top Makers Fellow (201

Extent of SBIR involvement

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Awards Distribution by Agency

Most Recent SBIR Projects

Year Phase Agency Total Amount
2021 2 NSF $1,005,199
Project Title: Conformal Temperature Sensors for Remote Monitoring of Diabetic Ulceration

Key People / Management

  Linh Le -- Founder and CEO

  Steve Kaufman -- Vp of Product

  George Kenefati -- Product Development Engineer

  Chi Le -- Community Manager

  Nathan Mangal -- Designer & Developer

  Laura Saracho -- Head of Product Marketing

  Akansha Singh -- Digital Marketing Manager

  Lan Tran -- Hardware Design Engineer

  Charlie Vu -- Head of Operations

Company News

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