Company Profile

Firehawk Aerospace Inc
Profile last edited on: 9/13/22      CAGE: 8GSN6      UEI: FKWJD9HL5931

Business Identifier: Design and manufacture safe, reliable, cost-effective, high performance rocket engines.
Year Founded
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Location Information

3905 W Eau Gallie Boulevard
Melbourne, FL 32934
   (321) 747-8800
Location: Multiple
Congr. District: 08
County: Brevard

Public Profile

Servicing both the commercial launch and defense markets, Firehawk Aerospace custom-designs and manufactures high performance hybrid rocket engines powered by 3D printed fuel grains. With a recent customer ordering 115 rocket engines. Firehawk has developed a hybrid rocket fuel that employs additive manufacturing. The company says its engine has just 20 components and no TNT equivalency, enhancing safety, will cost c.20% of the price of a competitive engine, and is designed to build custom rocket engines for a variety of different launch purposes, including small satellite launchers, lunar transport systems, manned spacecraft, and for small defense purposes. Management also indicate the firm's engines can be custom designed in less than six months. In Junee 2021, Firehawk Aerospace signed a Space Act Agreement with NASA to test its rocket engine at Stennis Space Center's A3 test site. As part of the agreement Firehawk occupied building 4130 on the Stennis complex in Hancock County, Mississippi. During the 6 month test campaign Firehawk tested its hybrid engine at a variety of thrust levels using its patented 3D printed hybrid rocket fuel.

Extent of SBIR involvement

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Awards Distribution by Agency

Most Recent SBIR Projects

Year Phase Agency Total Amount
2022 1 AF $49,965
Project Title: Firehawk 3D ULTRA Propulsion Technology

Key People / Management

  Will Edwards -- CEO

  Edwards Andrew

  Michael Baier -- Rocket Propulsion Scientist

  Nelson Ho -- Propulsion Engineer Engineering

  Ronald Jones

  Kevin Lapp -- Propulsion Engineering Manager

  Nathaniel Rutkowski -- Propulsion Engineer I

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