Company Profile

Fiji Systems LLC
Profile last edited on: 10/30/2014      CAGE: 5A8H1      UEI: VV5JG62DTEJ6

Business Identifier: Software and support for real-time and embedded systems
Year Founded
First Award
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Location Information

19039 Auten Road
South Bend, IN 46637
   (317) 522-6639
Location: Single
Congr. District: 02
County: St. Joseph

Public Profile

Fiji Systems Inc is a technology company providing software and support for real-time and embedded systems. The firm is committed to improving the state of real-time systems development and reliability through the Fiji VM, a real-time virtual machine able to provide the features of a modern Java virtual machine with predictability suitable for hard real-time environments. The firm offers unparalleled flexibility from per-thread choice between real-time garbage collection with the Schism patent-pending collector, GC-less allocation with scoped memory or a combination of both, to advanced multi-VM features with predictable time and space partitioning. Fiji VM includes fast and easy access to native code with standard C calling conventions and can be deployed onto a broad range of hardware and operating environments. Support is available for embedded CPU architectures such as ARM and ERC32 or powerhouses like PowerPC and x86/x86_64. Additionally, Fiji can be stacked on top of a real-time executive like RTEMS or a full-featured desktop or server OS such as Linux or Darwin. The firm has also developed Fiji C1, an aggressive optimizing compiler targeting the Fiji VM. It uses advanced optimization techniques and code specialization to produce executables that can rival the performance of C. Fiji C1 integrates Fiji VM multi-VM payloads with ease, allowing Fiji VM applications to be either developed and run separately or integrated into a single multi-VM image with a single command.

Extent of SBIR involvement

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Awards Distribution by Agency

Most Recent SBIR Projects

Year Phase Agency Total Amount
2012 1 NSF $126,800
Project Title: Secure Real-time For Medical Consumer Electronics
2010 1 AF $99,999
Project Title: High-Productivity, Assured, Mixed-Criticality Systems Development with Real-time Java
2010 1 NSF $150,000
Project Title: Low-power Real-time Java for Mission-critical Systems

Key People / Management

  Lukasz Ziarek -- President

  Ethan Blanton -- Lead Technical Developer

  Irmina Gradus-Pizlo

  Filip Pizlo

  Jan Vitek -- Chief Executive Officer

Company News

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