Structured primarily around pregnancy and birth, Fetal Life offers services that integrate medical devices, telehealth capabilities, data analysis and artificial intelligence. A healthcare company addressing provision of holistic care throughout the entire pregnancy and postpartum period. Utilizing the firm's patented contraction monitoring device, patent-pending fetal heartbeat device, mobile app promoting self-management of health, telemonitoring, and telemedicine platform along with other 3rd party devices, the firm's devices and systems are affordable, portable, and easy to use. In collaboration with University of Louisville, principals of the firm undertook a study to compare the performance of a contraction monitor (tocometer) device developed by Fetal Life with standard tocometer devices. The effort was to test a uterine contraction monitor that can be applied by the patient to her abdomen and connected to her smart device to detect the frequency and duration of uterine contractions. Phase 1 collected data for calibration of the monitor and for a noninferiority study comparing the Fetal Life uterine contraction monitor (tocometer) with standard tocometry devices. Phase 2 will be a feasibility study in which patients will position the monitor, connect to the corresponding Fetal Life app and measure their own uterine contraction activity. The premise is that after calibration, the new monitor couldl reliably detect at least 95% of the number and duration of contractions detected by the standard monitor with comparable results whether applied by the patient or by research staff