Structured around redefining the way batteries are inspected across different industries: from consumer electronics all the way to grid storage, Feasible LLC has developed the EchoStat platform that uses ultrasound and data analytics to unlock the full potential of batteries. For batteries safely and reliably to address power needs of various types requires changes in the way batteries are understood at scale. The firm's approach is designed to enable more reliable predictions of performance, smarter decisions in production and during use, and reduced need for all the limitations currently in place. Feasible uses sound to detect the physical properties of batteries - sending ultrasonic pulses through a battery and recording the echoes. Them by applying advanced analytics to the data, it is possible to extract meaning from those data. The premise is that acoustic behavior is sensitive to changes in the physical properties along the path of the sound waves. Thus, electrical, thermal, and strain-based methods, ultrasonic analysis can directly and actively probe the physical condition of internal battery components.