Company Profile

Expansyn Technologies Inc
Profile last edited on: 6/6/14      CAGE: 4RMV7      UEI:

Business Identifier: Biofuels from plant proteins
Year Founded
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Location Information

200 Innovation Boulevard Suite 258
State College, PA 16803
   (814) 571-5974
Location: Single
Congr. District: 12
County: Centre

Public Profile

Expansyn Technologies, Inc. has initiated a focused development program aimed producing gram-scale levels of a specific expansin protein, recombinant Zea m3 (ZM3), and comprehensive testing of the recombinant protein for cellulase synergism with various forms of cellulase and cellulosic biomass. This technology has the potential to dramatically improve the digestibility of cellulosic feedstocks thereby enabling commercial-scale production and use of an alternative fuel from renewable resources while reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Fuels derived from cellulosic biomass offer an alternative to conventional energy sources that supports national economic growth, national energy security and environmental goals. Cellulosic biomass is an attractive energy feedstock because supplies are abundant domestically and globally. Current methods to break down biomass into simple sugars and convert them into ethanol are inefficient and constitute the core barrier to producing ethanol at volumes and costs competitive with gasoline. Recent developments at Penn State University indicate that a class of plant proteins, named expansins, may improve the performance of enzymes used in the deconstruction of cellulosic biomass. Preliminary experimentation indicates that certain expansin proteins act synergistically with cellulase in the hydrolysis of crystalline cellulose. In order to assess the commercial potential for expansins, Expansyn Technologies, Inc was formed

Extent of SBIR involvement

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Revenue Range
Less than .5M
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Privately Held
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Key People / Management

  Timothy Hurley -- President

  Daniel Cosgrove -- Chief Technology Officer

  Nuwan Sella Kapu

  Nuwan Sella-Kapu -- Research Scientist