Epixego Inc offering students clarity in designing their future of work and learning by surfacing role models who share their skills fingerprint. It is suggested that almost 80% of the US undergraduate students report changing their major only parway through their college career. Reason: a year/two into their college many not sure they still like that arena and/or that what they're studying is relavent to ttheir considered career choices: some 2/3rd among the young report "not being engaged at work, and seeking to change careers not just jobs". - especially when across many areas of employment, change is rapid and frequent. In what is for many - and in different ways -a rapidly changing employment landscape, this problem is only set to compound without a scalable way for students (and employers) to identify an efficient and comprehensive way to move easily among lanes, transfer skills gained from in-classroom and outside of the classroom. Epixego attempts to tackle this dilemma