Company Profile

Emery Animal Health
Profile last edited on: 4/10/2023      CAGE: 86S48      UEI: WWMSAK8JNNE3

Business Identifier: NO Business Identifier is currently available for this company.
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Location Information

490 West Street Road 29 Po Box 535
Castle Dale, UT 84513
   (435) 381-2539
Location: Single
Congr. District: 03
County: Emery

Public Profile

A fairly large veterinary practice (indicated 2000+ clients) serving livestock through domestic pets, Emery Animal Health notes that pets, horses, and livestock help to create a more enjoyable, uplifting environment in which people work and live. Noting that everyone deserves to live a happy lifeamd they undersand know how much people's pets & livestock can mean to them, Emery Health commit to help keep it that way by protecting the animals their client's love. Preventive health care through regular complete physical exams, dental health, in-house diagnostics, herd health and surgical and medical services for prevention and treatment of disease.

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Key People / Management

  Glen Jensen

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