Company Profile

Emerging Futures LLC
Profile last edited on: 11/8/2022      CAGE: 7PF36      UEI: Z4UFK836T3L6

Business Identifier: NO Business Identifier is currently available for this company.
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Location Information

934 SW Tangent Street
Portland, OR 97201
   (510) 693-6452
Location: Single
Congr. District: 03
County: Multnomah

Public Profile

Emerging Futures, LLC funcions as a research and analysis consultancy with focus primarily in two broad arenas: (1) climate change mitigation and (2) commercial expansion of humanity into space - two areas of focus Emerging Furtures management see as intimatelyrelated. The Apollo Moon missions provided the first glimpse of the planet Earth - launching the modern environmental movement, and climate change monitoring today benefits tremendously from Earth-observing satellites. Space technology spin-offs also provide countless benefits in daily life, ranging from the integrated circuit to GPS. More than 2,000 inventions can be traced directly to space programs. Further, the unfolding environmental catastrophe is causing re0examination of human behaviors - requiring us to view space as both an environment to be protected and as a resource to be used to avoid further environmental harm on Earth. Ultimately, human survival depends on expanding the human domain beyond the confines of Earth, allowing people to live, work and prosper throughout the Solar System.

Extent of SBIR involvement

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Awards Distribution by Agency

Most Recent SBIR Projects

Year Phase Agency Total Amount
2021 1 NSF $255,916
Project Title: PolyBrick™: Polymer-regolith composite landing pads build from in-situ lunar materials

Key People / Management

  Jeffery Greenblatt

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