eM-TECH is currently in the materials research and development phase of materials for electronics and consumer products. The firm's primary focus is in developing high efficiency, one dimensional ceramic quantum nano-wire thermoelectric generators. The firm's principal suggests that a quadrillion Btu/yr of waste heat energy in industrial manufacturing is unrecovered. Harvesting the energy from the waste heat would be an emission free substitute for costly purchased fuels or electricity. Currently the options for recovering energy from waste heat using thermoelectric generators (TEGs) are limited due to there being no commercially available TEGs that operated at the temperatures above 1000 C. Industries using high temperature processes -- petrochemicals, ceramics, glass, aluminum, refractories, iron and steel, powder metallurgy, and power production plants - could benefit from harvesting energy from their waste heat. There is need -- and potential market - for a thermoelectric generator. Thermoelectrics based on SiC nano-fibers offer significant advantage in high temperature power generation e.g. solar thermal applications where power would be generated by concentrating solar energy to provide the high temperatures needed. Use of thermoelectric materials for waste-heat recovery, refrigeration and other applications could aid considerably in global efforts toward energy conservation and the reduction of pollutants. Thermoelectric generators c/would also be used to harvest energy from waste heat and could be used by the military to generate energy from the heat generated at the leading edges of hypersonic vehicles. Use of TEGs in commercial aircraft could reduce fuel consumption with the estimated fuel savings in the US alone c/would save passenger and cargo airlines some $12 million every month while also reducing global emissions