Company Profile

Elucid Bioimaging (AKA: VascuVis Inc)
Profile last edited on: 9/24/22      CAGE: 5XMV6      UEI: PZ2NKG7RC7A7

Business Identifier: Computer-Aided Phenotyping (CAP) Platform in medical imaging
Year Founded
First Award
Latest Award
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Location Information

225 Main Street Suite 15
Wenham, MA 01984
   (978) 468-0508
Location: Single
Congr. District: 06
County: Essex

Public Profile

Elucid Bioimaging, formerly dba VascuVis Inc, works in medical imaging using its patented, multi-modality, Computer-Aided Phenotyping (CAP) Platform, first in cardiology and oncology, with potential beyond. With ties of Rutgers, the company's vascuCAP platform is used in the diagnosis of vascular problems; it quantitatively and objectively analyzes the verifiable biophysical hallmarks predictive of atherosclerotic plaque instability. Elucid Bioimaging, Inc. is building the Computer-Aided Phenotyping (CAP) Platform, a cutting-edge bioimaging system that can reduce the rates of misclassification that lead to increased medical costs and over- and under-diagnosis in cardiology and oncology. Elucid's lungCAP platform is used in the diagnosis of lung cancer; it analyzes the verifiable biophysical hallmarks predictive of malignancy. The company provides analytical services, software development, outsourcing, and product development. As a service provider, the company engages with clients and partners in the development of technology, strategy, and cross-stakeholder solutions to meet these needs. As a research organization, it acts as prime or sub on grants, cooperative agreements, and research contracts.

Extent of SBIR involvement

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Awards Distribution by Agency

Most Recent SBIR Projects

Year Phase Agency Total Amount
2021 2 NIH $4,568,969
Project Title: vascuCAP: Non-invasive Computer-Aided Phenotyping of Vasculopathy
2016 2 NSF $1,503,339
Project Title: Computer Aided Prognosis of Debilitating Disease

Key People / Management

  Andrew J Buckler -- President and CEO

  David Paik -- Senior Director Imaging

  David Paolino -- Executive Director

  Michael Rosol -- Senior Director of Business Developmen

Company News

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