Company Profile

ELS Technology Inc~Environmental and Life Support Technologies Inc (AKA: ~Environmental &Life Support Technologies LLC)
Profile last edited on: 5/2/22      CAGE: 0XY45      UEI:

Business Identifier: Electronics, metals, mining, aerospace, and analytical instrumentation industries, focusing on sustainability
Year Founded
First Award
Latest Award
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Location Information

6600 East Lookout Drive
Parker, CO 80138
   (720) 726-9525
Location: Single
Congr. District: 04
County: Douglas

Public Profile

Environmental & Life Support Technology, Inc. was originally established in the mid-nineties as ELS Technology experienced in all phases of product design & testing, manufacturing support services & consulting and primarily engaged in design, engineering, and production of commercial water and air treatment and monitoring systems and components, automated instrumentation for industrial applications, process consulting, and commercial analytical & test instrument manufacturing. For a period, firm was extensively involved in addressing environmental issues in China but appears to have withdrawn from that endeavor, The firm is currently organized around development and manufacture of smarter, more efficient advanced life support systems for extended space exploration, and application of those technologies to maintain a cleaner, more sustainable environment on earth. The firm describe their particular strengths as those of applying the proper technologies to simultaneously satisfy process economic and technical requirements, initial concept development and manufacturing problem-solving across a range of focus from agriculture to Energy, from medical to environmental. The firm also provide investor support services in several technology areas, technology feasibility assessments, process economic evaluations, and mergers & acquisition due diligence support. Firm was originally fairly SBIR active in 4 agencies but subsequent involvement dropped off. NASA involvement (2 projects proceeding to Phase II) in period 2014-2018

Extent of SBIR involvement

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Synopsis: Awardee Business Condition

Employee Range
Revenue Range
Less than .5M
VC funded?
Privately Held
Stock Info
IP Holdings

Awards Distribution by Agency

Most Recent SBIR Projects

Year Phase Agency Total Amount
2017 2 NASA $874,999
Project Title: Silver Biocide Analysis & Control Device
2015 2 NASA $879,808
Project Title: Clean Catalysts for Water Recovery Systems in Long-Duration Missions
2007 1 NASA $90,000
Project Title: Simple, Micro-Miniature Total Organic Carbon Analyzer
2006 2 NIH $849,720
Project Title: Proactive Prevention of Exposure to Respirable Chromium
2006 1 NASA $100,000
Project Title: Pilot-Scale Oxidation Catalysts

Key People / Management

  Clifford D Jolly -- President

  Ladislav Jezek -- Principal Engineer

  Marina Morozova

  James F White

Company News

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