Company Profile

Elintrix Inc
Profile last edited on: 1/23/2020      CAGE: 41SN4      UEI:

Business Identifier: Sensing and communication products
Year Founded
First Award
Latest Award
Program Status
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Location Information

621 South Andreasen Drive Suite E
Escondid, CA 92029
   (858) 483-1399
Location: Single
Congr. District: 52
County: San Diego

Public Profile

Elintrix, Inc. is science-and-engineering R&D company developing sensing and communication products and solutions for governmental and commercial customers. The firm has expertise in structural health-monitoring, chemical sensing, radio communications, medical devices and other arenas where signal analysis and interpretation are required. The development of computational engines, based on applied mathematics, machine learning and digital signal processing is their principal focus. In addition, they have extensive experience and skill in the implementation of fully-elaborated system-solutions, spanning the design and integration of electronic hardware, software applications and sensors.

Extent of SBIR involvement

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Synopsis: Awardee Business Condition

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Privately Held
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Awards Distribution by Agency

Key People / Management

  Alan Barnett

  Drew Barnett -- CTO

  Joseph Reed -- Research Scientist

Company News

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