Company Profile

Eliaz Therapeutics Inc (AKA: ETI)
Profile last edited on: 9/6/22      CAGE: 7HHW8      UEI: Q7MDXXBML3P1

Business Identifier: Medical device (plasma filter) for depletion of inflammatory fueling protein extracellular galectin-3 from human blood to treat acute kidney disease and sepsis.
Year Founded
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Location Information

396 Tesconi Court
Santa Rosa, CA 95401
   (707) 583-8613
Location: Single
Congr. District: 05
County: Sonoma

Public Profile

Eliaz Therapeutics (adba ETI) is structured around continued development of a novel and selective extra-corporeal treatment for removal of Galectin-3 from the blood circulation and to reverse Chronic Kidney Disease, Fibrosis and Cancer. The device removes both bound and free galectin-3 from the circulation, offering a new treatment option that is less invasive and has fewer side-effects than other therapies. The single-use apheresis column selectively removes Galectin-3 from the body. It contains a proprietary, highly effective capturing molecule and is built in a format that hospitals already know how to use.Galectin-3 is of intensive research interest due to its pivotal role in numerous chronic diseases including cardiovascular, kidney, lung, and liver fibrosis, cancer progression and longevity. The device in development is designed to provide a new treatment option for different inflammatory and fibrotic diseases. The firm's first indication is Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) highly prevalent and progressive with significant morbidity and mortality and currently no treatment to reverse the course of the disease is in the market.

Extent of SBIR involvement

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Awards Distribution by Agency

Most Recent SBIR Projects

Year Phase Agency Total Amount
2023 2 NIH $1,906,548
Project Title: Depleting Circulating Galectin-3 with Therapeutic Apheresis: a Novel Treatment for Sepsis/AKI.

Key People / Management

  Isaac Eliazc -- Founder / CEO, CSO

  Tom Boone -- CTO

  Glenn Chertow -- Director of Clinical Research

  Milton Goss -- CFO

  Anat Stern -- COO

  Barry Wilk Sr -- Director R&D and QA

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