Electrical Distribution Design Inc is a software company offering a utilities management software to support management of engineering services that grew out of a rsearch project udnderateknat Virginia Tech in 1989 and funded in part by EPRI. Bridging the gap between the utilities and the smart grid by providing the tools the industry needs to adapt to the growth of distributed energy resources and a changing energy landscape, the firm's software enables clients to construct complex, fully-functional models to handle all of their engineering, operating and control needs. EDD partners with small and large utility companies to provide modeling solutions that address the industry's most demanding issues to include both concerns that be experienced by many firms or - If something entirely new - having tthe staff and expertise to develop a modeling solution for it. EDD's core product is the DEW (Distribution Engineering Workstation) software suite, which enables the construction of a complete working model for the entire power grid, from the transmission level through primary and secondary distribution networks. Using DEW and an Integrated System Model (ISM) allows utilities to build and maintain a single model that can serve all of their modeling needs. Designers and Planners use EDD & DEW to analyze design improvements, resolve capacity constraints, optimize capital improvement projects, maximize efficiencies and system reliability, etc. In March 2019 it was announced that Electrical Distribution Design had been acquired by National Information Solutions Cooperative -- NISC -- a member-owned information technology cooperative serving nearly 750 utility and telecom providers. The original software began as a research project at Vriginia Tech in 1989 and had been partially funded by EPRI