Previously doing business as Energy and Environmental Research Center in North Dakota, EERGC Corporation moved to California. The firm provides research, development, and consulting in the fields of combustion, air pollution control and waste treatment. The company began operations in July 1999 as an independent spin-off of Energy and Environmental Research Corporation (EER), prior to EER's acquisition by General Electric. EERGC was formed to take advantage of opportunities no longer available to EER as a subsidiary of GE, notably to continue EER's tradition of providing Small Business Innovation Research and government regulatory support. EERGC began with a staff of two engineers and a single contract to provide EPA with technical support for the development of regulations for hazardous waste combustors. With this contract in hand and with the contacts, knowledge, and reputation it inherited from EER, EERGC was able to hit the ground running, avoiding most of the initial problems and risks typically faced by a startup company.