Data Fusion Corporation is an information engineering and technology company involved in sensor data acquisition, processing, simulation, information extraction and dissemination. The firm develops advanced technologies to support the war fighter and intelligence analyst in planning, executing, and analyzing mission data for surveillance, reconnaissance, target acquisition, and attack. Core competencies include multivariate statistical signal processing and computational linear algebra; processing of coded waveforms for GPS, radar, and other applications; kinematic-state tracking; decision and classification theory; and mathematics of belief and confidence for fusion. Data Fusion & Neural Networks (DF&NN) provides custom design and development for Data Fusion & Resource Management (DF&RM) software applications using model-driven, data-driven, and goal-driven techniques, including Neural Networks (NNs), Bayesian, possibilistic, and rule-based paradigms. This data-driven abnormality detection, characterization, and event tracking software learns normal behavior so as to detect unexpected abnormally correlated behavior for many thousands of inputs in real-time.