Company Profile

Culture Robotics Inc (AKA: Culture Biosciences)
Profile last edited on: 1/17/2020      CAGE: 7RG03      UEI: MGDNH5BWALD5

Business Identifier: Automation tools for fermentation
Year Founded
First Award
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Location Information

269 East Grand Avenue
San Francisco, CA 94080
Location: Single
Congr. District: 14
County: San Mateo

Public Profile

SBIR-involved as Culture Robotics Inc, the firm - also dba as Culture Biosciences - develops automation tools for fermentation. The firm's founder was a researcher at MIT's Mediated Matter group where his research focused on 3D printing fluidic systems and their applications in biotechnology and product design. Management's defning theme is to make biomanufacturing a digital experience: having bioreactors running much like running code in a data center. Built from the ground up by integrating automated bioreactors, robotic sample handling, and cloud data monitoring and analysis, the firm has developed a digital biomanufacturing platform thatis designed to enable scientists to run, monitor and analyze bioreactors faster and more conveniently than traditional approaches.

Extent of SBIR involvement

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Awards Distribution by Agency

Most Recent SBIR Projects

Year Phase Agency Total Amount
2019 2 NSF $975,000
Project Title: Hardware and Software Systems for High Throughput, High Cell Density Fermentation

Key People / Management

  Will Patrick -- Founder and CEO

  Matthew A Ball -- CTO

  Firehiwot Tachea -- Director of Fermentation

Company News

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