Company Profile

Profile last edited on: 9/12/2022      CAGE: 61WF2      UEI: FJWJMA3XEHV9

Business Identifier: Advanced cathode materials for lithium-ion battery applications: clean energy storage
Year Founded
First Award
Latest Award
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Location Information

35 Hartwell Avenue Unit 3102
Lexington, MA 02421
   (781) 879-1286
Location: Single
Congr. District: 05
County: Middlesex

Public Profile

Formerly doing business until 2014 as the Advanced Battery Materials and Design Division of TIAX LLC - itself an SBIR involved entiity that started life continuing the work of the Arthur D Little organization - CAMX Power LLC, develops, licenses and sells lithium-ion battery related technologies. The firm maintains lithium-ion battery material synthesis facilities, a development-purposed production/pilot plant for its flagship cathode material CAM-7™ as well as design-purposed advanced cell making facilities. In addition to CAM-7, principals of the firm work on advanced cell designs and battery safety technologies andproducts. Alongside the firm's Development Group, is a Services Group to be able to tightly collaborate with its customers and the industry in general. CamX has successfully licensed the firm's CAM-7 cathode active material to both BASF and Johnson Matthey in 2016, and in 2018, also licensed the firm's next-generation GEMX family of cathode active materials to Johnson Matthey.

Extent of SBIR involvement

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Synopsis: Awardee Business Condition

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Awards Distribution by Agency

Most Recent SBIR Projects

Year Phase Agency Total Amount
2023 2 DLA $2,099,903
Project Title: Logistically Robust, Long Life, High Power Rechargeable Battery
2023 2 Army $1,989,873
Project Title: Structured Material for Enhanced Impact Protection of HGU-56P Aviator Helmet
2022 2 AF $799,905
Project Title: Robust High Power Batteries for Directed Energy Weapons
2022 2 Navy $1,747,109
Project Title: Lithium Battery Early Warning Fault Indication System
2021 2 AF $1,749,091
Project Title: Li-ion 18650 Cells for Satellite Batteries

Key People / Management

  Kenan Sahin -- President

  Brian Barnett -- Vice President of Marketing

  Terry Lundstrom

  Christopher McCoy

  David Ofer

  Jane Rempel

  Michael Rutberg

  Suresh Sriramulu -- Chief Technology Officer

  Jack Treger

  Renee Wong