Structured around the concept of 'bubbles' - multi-phase fluid dynamcis - chemico-hydronamics, breaking wave bubble plume, and marine hydrocarbon seep bubble visualization and modeling, hydrocarbon seep geochemistry, oil droplet hydrodynamics, turbulence visualization and digital particle imaging velocimetry (DPIV) and methane seep bubble visualization and modeling, Studying methane detection via gas chrmoatography, remote sensing; oil slick modeling; Marine hydrocarbon seeps; Petroleum reservoir dynamics, Bubbleology Research International Inc (BRI) pushes state of the art to develop new capabilities for atmospheric and oceanic measurement based on demand-driven science needs. A perhaps unique BRI asset is the AMOG Surveyor: a mobile air quality measurement laboratory in a Nissan Versa that measures 13 different trace gases at ppt to ppb levels. BRI has developed sonar benthic observatories for deployment in the Arctic and North Sea alog iwth having developed and patented novel oil spill remote sensing, oil spill mitigation, and oil spill quantification technologies