Bodymedia Advanced Development Inc, - also doing business as BodyMedia Inc - was an early offerer of wearable body monitors designed to collect physiological data for use in improving health, wellness and fitness. The firm provided a variety of on-body monitors utilizing proprietary technology that had been clinically validated for accuracy. Data captured by BodyMedia devices was used to guide behavioral changes to control weight and promote an active lifestyle two factors that are routinely cited as keys to combat and manage serious medical conditions. The technology has been used in more than 100 clinical research studies covering health issues such as obesity, COPD, diabetes, cystic fibrosis, cancer, bariatrics, sleep and intensive care. In 2014, BodyMedia was acquired by Jawbone Inc. a San Francisco-based wearable tech company. With the deal more about the smaller firm's companys large patent portfolio, by early 2016, the acquiring firm ceased production of the BodyMedia products