Though to our knowledge not posted on any of the "usual "small firm tracking sites, an article in //medcitynews,com in November 2022 noted that CardieX had acquired Blumio Incorporates and the small firm's "Wearable Blood Pressure Sensor". CardieX - a cardiovascular technology company - with faciiities in Illionios and Australia acquired Blumio -- a California-based startup focused on cardiovascular sensors. The deal - it was suggestd - will advance the vision of both companies accurately and easily to measure blood pressure without relying on the use of a cuff. _________ Feb 2019 profile: Blumio Inc is organized around development and commercialization of sensor technologies that enable health sensing - better approaches to monitor a person's vitals. The firm's first time project was that of addressing blood pressure monitoring. Current blood pressure monitoring is based on data collected with a sphygmomanometer on the upper arm, while at rest. However it is known that blood pressure is different throughout the body and that changes based on what the patientmey be doing. Problem: no device currently exists to provide that data. Blumio is addressing this problem by developing a sensor that can measure blood pressure continuously, without the use of an inflatable cuff - providing a highly effective - and convenient way - accurately to measure and track blood pressure as the wearer gets on with life..