Biostat, Inc. was founded in 1986 for the purpose of developing computer programs for statistical power analysis and for meta analysis. They work with experts in the U.S. and the U.K. to develop statistical software.
Power and Precision, with 40,000+ users, is a popular program for statistical power analysis. Compute power by formula rather than simulation even when accrual rates, hazard rates, and attrition rates vary from one time interval to the next. Graph power as a function of study duration, accrual patterns, treatment effect, attrition, or any other parameter in just seconds and get a clear picture of that factor's impact in your study. This speed is made possible by the new algorithm which bypasses the simulation, coupled with an extremely powerful interface. With any other program, the same task would require many hours of tedious computation.
Comprehensive Meta-Analysis, with 10,000+ users, is also a popular program for meta-analysis. The program is incredibly easy to learn and use. The interface is clear and intuitive with options for data entry, analysis, display to demonstrate conceptual issues such as the impact of study weights on the combined effect, the implications of heterogeneity, and fixed effect vs. random effects models.