In October 2005, Bosource became part of Invitrogen. BioSource provides integrated solutions for functional genomics, proteomics, and drug discovery through a wide collection of proteins, antibodies, reagents, and assay development for immunology, signal transduction and multiplex screening. Their expertise is in cytokine and growth factor protein assays. BioSource International develops and makes enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) test kits and other products used in biomedical research worldwide. The company offers more than 1,700 immunological and molecular biological products used to diagnose and research such conditions as cancer, aging, arthritis, and AIDS. The company has more than 70 ELISA tests, which are used by researchers and scientists to detect and measure substances in biological fluids from humans, rodents, swine, and primates. The firm also offers a variety of reagents and other products -- bioactive proteins, monoclonal and polyclonal antibodies, DNA. Wholly owned subsidiary BioSource Europe is headquartered in Belgium.