Currently resident in the Houston JLab and similar facility in San Diego, BioLum Sciences specializes in bioanalytical chemistry & medical device development centered around the firm's core analysis platform and chemiluminescent chemistry. Using advanced chemical systems to measure biomarkers in exhaled breath condensate and blood samples, the effort is to empower pharmaceutical researchers and clinicians with tools to develop and personalize treatments for patients with chronic diseases such as asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), hypertension, and heart failure. With several medical device products in the pipeline, principals of the firm have expertise in assay development and clinical biomarker measurement, with an emphasis on oxidative stress and nitric oxide signaling. Biomarker analysis - monitoring disease severity and progression (airway inflammation, lung function) - allows remote and non-onvasive patient monitoring. This offers the potential for mproved treatment plans and lower overall costs. With a focus on asthma, COPD, and hypertension, the firm is developing a mobile health device designed to aid in the diagnosis, monitoring, and treatment of airway inflammation by enabling patients to measure asthma symptoms wherever they are; at home, work or on-travel.The BioSense AMD (Airway Monitoring Device), provides a âwindow into the lungâ by measuring oxidative stress biomarkers in exhaled breath condensate (EBC). The firm's developed test requires no complicated breathing maneuvers and allows reliable at-home monitoring. These frequent, objective measurements of lung function offer significant patient benefits while also providing physicians a tool to optimize treatment while also enableing researchers to stratify patients in clinical trials to better understand chronic respiratory disease stat