Effectively analyzed, wastewater and sewerage can reveal useful data re. the health of the local community. Headquartered in MA but providing service to states and localities nationwide, Biobot Analytics is such a wastewater analytics firm and a leader in the field of wastewater epidemiology. Defining themselves as on the mission to transform wastewater infrastructure into public health observatories, Biobot uses the data present in wastewater to yield valuable insights that shape the health of communities. The firm's first product measured opioids and other drug metabolites in sewage to estimate consumption in cities enabling harm reduction personel to assess scope of the epidemic, allocate resources, and gauge the effectiveness of programming over time. In Spring 2020, firm had quantified SARS-CoV-2 in wastewater and by March 2021 was providing service to over 400 communities and 43 states in the US and Canada mapping novel coronavirus concentrations, enabling public officials make smarter decisions re. safe opening of communities.