Company Profile

Behavioral Assessment Inc (AKA: BAI)
Profile last edited on: 3/30/17      CAGE: 3ZGS8      UEI: MSUWQLTDAKN1

Business Identifier: Mental Health Evaluation and Stigma research
Year Founded
First Award
Latest Award
Program Status
Popularity Index
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Location Information

291 South La Cienega Boulevard Suite 304
Beverly Hills, CA 90211
   (310) 652-6449
Location: Single
Congr. District: 33
County: Los Angeles

Public Profile

Behavioral Assessment Inc (BAI) is working to enhance the health of emerging and underserved and multicultural communities in the Southwest United States. BAI has a long history of providing culturally sensitive and community based services that address the needs of emerging ethnic and cultural groups and longer-term resident communities. Staff and consultants are bilingual, bicultural, and represent Latino, Asian and Pacific Islander, and African American communities. BAI has provided services to international, federal, state and local governments, for profit and non-profit 501c(3) organizati

Extent of SBIR involvement

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Awards Distribution by Agency

Most Recent SBIR Projects

Year Phase Agency Total Amount
2015 1 NIH $211,907
Project Title: Hispanic Family Assessment Inventory
2012 2 NIH $1,119,064
Project Title: Development Of Hispanic Stress Inventory-Version 2
2010 1 NIH $130,690
Project Title: Integrating Hiv And Substance Abuse Prevention For Hispanic Families: La Familia
2008 2 NIH $1,090,179
Project Title: Hispanic Stress Inventory-Adolescent Version Study

Key People / Management

  Richard C Cervantes -- President

  Donna Camacaro -- Associate

  Clarissa Cervantes -- Associate

  Cindy Keig -- Associate

  Christina Lopez-Gutierrez -- Associate

  Antonio B (Tony) Rey -- Evaluation & Technical Assistance Manager

  Adrian Reyes -- Project/Technical Support

  David Salinas -- Associate