BacterioScan, Inc. is a medical device company organized around affecting the way infectious disease is diagnosed and treated with a primary focus on enabling successful use of antibiotics. With a focus on urinary tract infection diagnostic system, the firm's instrumentation platform is structured to support the rapid detection and antibiotic susceptibility testing of infectious pathogens. Offering reliable, precision instrumentation with the capacity rapidly to detect and measure microorganism growth in liquid specimens, determines if it is resistant to a range of antibiotics and provides clinicians with patient-specific guidance on the fastest and most cost-effective antibiotic treatment, the firm's technologies are intended to help improve the quality of antibiotic therapy, reduce excess or inappropriate use of antibiotics and deter antibiotic resistance. The real-time bacteria detection and antimicrobial resistance data collected by the firm is aggregated through their network enabling its use to inform clinical decision-making and the medical communitys response to emerging threats related to infectious disease and antibiotic resistance worldwide. In May 2018 the firm was informed that ii had received premarket notification clearance from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration to market a device that rapidly detects urinary tract infections.