ANFT- Applied NanoFemto Technologies LLC - is organized around developing innovative nanomaterials and optoelectronics devices for high operating temperature (HOT) multi-spectral infrared sensing and imaging. With the firm's innovative nanomaterials and optoelectronics devices all based on mature III-V semicondcutors, technologies include: * High operating temperature (HOT) middlewave infrared (MWIR, 3-5 µm) photodetector * High operating temperature (HOT) longwave infrared (LWIR, 3-5 µm) photodetector *Polarimetric multi-spectral infrared focal plane array (FPA) * Longwave infrared (LWIR, 8-12 µm) polarimetric resonant cavity * Nanopillar multi-spectral infrared focal plane array (FPA) * Quantum dot (QD) electro-optic (EO) modulator * Quantum dot (QD) electro-absorption modulator. The device fabrication and packaging procedures are exactly the same as those of the standard III-V electronics and optoelectronics devices.