After Antex filed for bankruptcy in March 2003, effective May 2003, the assets of Antex Biologics Inc. and its wholly owned subsiduary AntexPharma Inc. were acquired by BioPort Corporation. The firm is a biopharmaceutical company committed to developing and marketing new products to prevent and treat infections and related diseases. Anthrax vaccine-maker BioPort of Lansing, MI settled on Frederick for its new manufacturing plant and warehouse and renamed the firm Advanced BioSolutions. The following year (2004) Emergent BioSolutions was founded by BioPort Corporation and, through corporate restructuring, became the parent company of BioPort Corporation (now Emergent BioDefense Operations Lansing Inc.) and Antex Biologics Inc. (now Emergent Product Development Gaithersburg Inc.) Emergent BioSolutions (NYSE:EBS) is a multinational biopharmaceutical company headquartered in Rockville, Maryland. Emergent's portfolio of products in development includes preventive and therapeutic products for anthrax and botulism, two top priority ("Category A") bioterrorism agents. The company also has vaccines for typhoid, hepatitis B, and group B streptococcus in development.[1]