Amida is an open source software company organized around data management and exchange, with specialties in cybersecurity and digital platform strategies. The firm collects aggregates, consolidates, and reconciles data for business intelligence, decision support, and predictive analytics applications. The firm provides a range of platform solution and professional services,and currently offer three products: Indaba: Turn knowledge into data Survey software meets project management, Indaba assembles distributed knowledge about hard-to-quantify concepts and turns it into structured datasets, indices, and scorecards. Amida Refine: Data Reconciliation Engine A Blue ButtonTM component that helps people access their health information from a variety of sources, including doctors, pharmacies, insurance companies, and hospitals. The DRE can also be adapted to other industries. Orange Rx: Manage medications - a white label mobile app enabling patients and their care teams to track and log medications, control dosing, and record adverse effects. The app can also be used to track mental health progress.