Specializing in applying advanced and innovative technologies to contemporary problems of critical importance within the technical arenas of Guidance, Navigation, Control and Communications (GNCC), Health Monitoring, Condition Base Maintenance (CBM), transportation, aerospace and defense industries, American GNC Coporation personnel organize around providing advanced, integrated state of the art GNCC solutions while meeting the technical, cost and scheduling needs of customers. Management strive to build upon the firm's reputation for important contributions to the fields of GNCC while also improving the company and satisfying its customers and employees. A high-technology company provides diversified engineering and technical services in both private and public sectors, since the firm was foundied 1986, AGNC has been actively involved in autonomous vehicles; advanced GNCC systems design; automation and integration for aircraft, land vehicle, marine vehicle, missiles, satellites, spacecraft, large space structures; robotics, underwater vehicle applications; target acquisition, tracking and recognition for a variety of platforms. AGNC has successfully applied state-of-the-art technologies to solve unique and challenging design and analysis problems.